His Favor Lasts a lifetime
(Ps. 30:3~6, 11~12)

People in the world put their trust in their abilities and power but Christians live by the grace of God. Life with a lot of money and fame is not the best life but the life with the overflowing grace of God is the best. I pray that we always look at our God who wants to give us his grace so that we can live the best life in the Lord.

1. God who rescued us from despair
People have uncertain hope that their lives would go well. However, frustration and hardships come to our life unexpectedly, collapsing our lives. The main cause of frustration is due to the sins of human being. We cannot deal with the matter of sins by ourselves. Even Paul, who was born in a good family with sophisticated knowledge and noble character, fell before the matter of sins and lamented. (Rom. 7:24) Only God can be our hope in this inevitable despair. God saves those who have been put to death and leads those who are in despair to hope. Cry out before God when troubles sweep over you. God will listen to us and become our savior.

2. The Lord who is the absolute hope
Darkness cannot overcome light. When light comes, darkness retreats. No matter how deep our frustration is, it retreats when the Lord who is the absolute hope comes and then hope shines brightly. We should believe in goodness of Jesus and put our trust in him so that we may see the Lord who is the absolute hope. When trouble come to us, we should not complain or grumble, rather, we should look back on our life to see if what has been done wrongly and hold God tightly. God will change our sadness into happiness when we hold him tight in faith. God will turn our sufferings into hope (Rom. 5:3-4) Give thanks to our good God who gives us his grace all the time.

3. God who sets us firmly
Our faith tends to be more easily shaken in peaceful days, not in difficulties. We might lose the desire to seek God when we are successful. Many people easily think that if things go well, it is because of their own efforts. However, all of that success will be collapsed when God turns away from us. (Ps. 30:7) Therefore, we should be humble and sincere before God and be alarmed not to be spiritually arrogant. We should walk the path of the cross that is narrow and humble where Jesus went ahead of us. We live our lives by relying on God's grace.
God will make our lives stand firm when we march forward with the faith and thanksgiving that focuses on the Lord.