You Will Never Thirst
(Jn. 4:13~14)

People have thirsty feeling in their hearts which cannot be satisfied with things in the world. No matter how good or great it is, it cannot fully satisfy a person’s heart. Only God can solve the problem of emptiness in our hearts. We should enjoy eternal satisfaction and joy which God give to us in Jesus.

1. A Samaritan woman who came for water
When Jesus was on his way to Galilee from Judea, he rested in the region of Sychar in Samaria. There he met a Samaritan woman who came out with a bucket from the well of Jacob And Jesus told her that he would give the gift of God and living water. People carry their own water bucket to solve the matter of being thirsty in the world. The more we fill the water bucket with the material things, the heavier the water bucket will be. It wll not be fill our spiritual needs. The things in the world are vain. (Ec. 1:2) However, Jesus came to our tiring and exhausting life where we are depressed by the empty feelings. He came for us who are tired, carrying living water, the gift of God.

2. Jesus Christ, the resolver of all problems
Jesus is the resolver of all problems. Jesus has become the way and the life and the truth so that we, who were in death, can be guided to the presence of God, who is the master of our life. (Jn. 14:6) The water Jesus gave the woman was different from the water in the world as it was the living water which will not make us thirsty again. Those who come to Jesus are healed, set free from demons and given true peace. Jesus who is same yesterday and today and forever have come to us. Open your heart and receive Jesus. Then he will solve the problems in our life.

3. A changed life
This Samaritan woman was divorced five times and was living with a sixth man without legal marriage. She who went out at noon under the scorching sun to draw water by avoiding people’s eyes was interested in Jesus’ words that he would give her eternal water. Jesus knew exactly how much painful and dried her mind was due to the series of failures in marriage. She had broken and humble heart before Jesus. When she confessed that Jesus was her savior, her life was transformed. She left the heavy water bucket away and became the witness of Jesus. (Jn. 4:28~30) Come before the cross of Jesus and put down your heavy water bucket. Jesus will change your life by solving all the problems so that you can have a transformed life with joy and happiness.