A Widow’s Oil Jar
(2Ki. 4:1~6)

Faith is everything of the life of Christians. We become the children of God by believing in Jesus, experience miracles through the word of God, and enter heaven to enjoy everlasting joy with God by believing that we will live forever. Faith is everything for us. Let us be the man of great faith to gain victory.

1. A woman in desperate situation
One day a widow came to Elisha. Her husband was one of the disciples of the prophet who revered God but he was in debt so the family was in difficulty. What is even worse, her two sons were about to become other’s slaves due to the debts. So she came to Elisha to call for help. Sometimes we meet profound despair that is incomprehensible and unsolvable in our life. At that time, we should come before God and seek for the help of God through earnest prayers. Our good God will listen to us and show the way of God. (Jer. 33:3)

2. What I have
God listens to the desperate prayer of his children with his love. Without real faith in our heart, however, we cannot experience the help from God. We should be confident that God will help us. The widow only had a little oil jar but she believed that God will use it as the tool of miracles. God looks for the faith even it seems like a mustard seed so that he can bring about miracles. (Mt. 17:20) When she had obeyed the prophet and borrowed a number of jars from her neighbors and poured the oil into them, the bottles were miraculously filled with her oil. When we have strong faith in Jesus, nothing is impossible. Keep challenging and don't give up in faith.

3. The fruit of faith
The oil coming from God was abundant and overflowing. She could pay all the debts and saved rest of the money for living. When we obey with faith, we will see the fruits of faith. Even when we bring with the empty jar, God fills it abundantly. Therefore, we will not be in want if we trust and follow God. Sometimes we can meet hardships and difficulties but we don't have to be terrified as God will set the table even before our enemies. (Ps. 23:5) Decide to act with faith and experience the miracles coming from God.