We were like who dreamed
(Ps. 126:1~6)

Kierkegaard wrote in his book The Sickness Unto Death that the matters of sins that human cannot solve by himself are the existential despair. No one can escape from his own sins or despairs. Jesus Christ is our only hope.

1. God who saves us from despair
Babylon had captured the people of Judah from 605 B.C to 586 B.C for three times. At 586 B.C, they destroyed Judah completely and collapsed the temple of Solomon. The people who had become captives lost hope to return to their own land and lived in despair. However, God used Cyrus to make a proclamation of allowing them to return. It was like a dream to them. They could have a smile on their face and changed sigh of lamentation into the praise of joy. (Ps. 126:2) God gave us this kind of miracle by sending Jesus Christ for our salvation. We should enjoy the salvation and give thanks to God by keeping that joy forever.

2. God who has done great things
God is the master of the history. God had planned for the people Judah to be captured and returned after 70 years. They thought it was impossible for them to return but God had achieved the miracle for them. God also had planned the miracle for us. Korea that had been forcibly coalesced for 35 years regained sovereignty from Japanese ruling on 15, August, 1945. God alone becomes the master of history. (Jer. 33:2) Therefore, we should commit the handle of our life to the Lord and obey God. If we try to do something by ourselves, only small works happen according to our small power. But if we commit our ways to the Lord, God makes great things according to his mighty hands.

3. God who works in all things for the good
When the people of Judah prayed hard with one heart, God changed their tears into joy after 70 years. Sowing seeds is hard and laborious things when farming. However, only a person who endures such hardships can have the joy of harvest. Likewise we meet hardships and difficulties in our lives. But if we determine to live according to the will of God and endure the hardships with faith, God will give us the time of joy and harvest. God will change the time of tribulations into that of hope. (Rom. 5:3~4) Let us go forward with absolute positivity and absolute thanksgiving even in the time of difficulties so that we may enjoy the grace of God who works in all things for the good. .