The Will of the Lord for Us
(Jer. 29:11~14)

Christians are the people who have decided to follow the will of God. However, we are easily blinded because our spiritual discernment is not clear due to our wrong desires and circumstances. Then, we mistake our will as God's will. We should discern the will of God through the Word and characteristics of God.

1. The Lord who gives peace
People want to live peacefully. They will not be peaceful if their minds are not peaceful even though they have everything in the world. (Prov. 17:22) Only God can give us the real peace. Still, some people who believe in Jesus try to find the peace in the money, fame and recognition of other people. But the peace that Jesus gives is different from the peace of the world. (Jn. 14:27) When we put our trust on God who is perfect, we can live life with enjoying perfect peace.

2. The Lord who gives dreams and hope
We are living with the dream and hope that we want to have. However, the present is very different from what we dream. Some people are afraid of uncertainties. Others have rosy dreams without clear blueprints and then find their dreams empty and vain thereby becoming depressed. However, people who put their hope in God live present with joy by looking at the hope that God prepared beyond desperate reality. The Christianity is the religion to open the hopeful morning by closing the dark night. Holding hands with God, we will be led by God to the hopeful future. (Jer. 29:11)

3. The Lord who listens to prayers
God listens to the prayer of His children and answers them. God knows the best for us. However, God wants us to open our mouth to pray hard. When we pray, we get to know the grace of God clearly. When we pray with all our hearts, God meets us and shows His great and unsearchable things for us. (Jer. 33:3) The great and unsearchable things are peace, future and hope. Therefore, we should pray hard when we face small or big problems instead of trying to find the solutions by ourselves without praying hard. God will listen to us and achieve His miracle in our life.