The Changed Status
(Gal. 3:13~14)

Worldly people live their lives by being obsessed with the fame, money and pleasure. However, when we believe in Jesus, our identity as the salves of the material things in the world is set free. Those who dwell in Jesus Christ can live as the new person with hope by getting out of the frustrating old inner being..

1. Be freed from the curse
The sinful and unrighteous humans cannot enjoy the overflowing grace of God and they try to live by themselves. That is the curse of the law. However, Jesus bore the cross and died on behalf of us so that our sins may be forgiven. Now if anyone believes in Jesus, his old inner being that is possessed by the curse dies and he is born again as the new creature. (2 Cor. 5:17) We should not be captured by the old inner being again and should live with absolute positivity and absolute thanksgiving. We should be proud of the grace of God and shine the light of God to the world which is under the curse of the sins.

2. Enjoy Abraham’s blessing
By believing in Jesus, we are given the blessing of Abraham. Abraham was recognized and blessed by God because of his faith not because of his works. The blessing of Abraham was special as he became the source of the blessing. Even he made mistakes frequently, God made him lifted and strong. When we have the blessing of Abraham, we will be protected, strengthened and lifted even we are weak. The reason why we are given the blessing of Abraham is not because of our deeds or actions. It is because of the faith which we put in Jesus so God gives us the blessing. (Gal. 3:7-9) Therefore, we should not be frustrated by our weaknesses. Instead, we should live in God with absolute positivity and absolute thanksgiving..

3. Receive the promise of the Holy Spirit
To get out of the curse of sins and get the blessing of Abraham, we have to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We cannot keep our faith strong by ourselves. Jesus even told the disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they receive the Holy Spirit. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can take full responsibilities as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. (Ac. 1:8) Therefore we should seek for the fullness of the Holy Spirit once we believe in Jesus. God gives the Holy Spirit to those who seek for the Holy Spirit. (Jl. 2:28) We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit again and again in order to get out of powerless life of faith and give glory to God with our faithful life.