The Lord Is My Hiding Place
(Ps. 32:6~8)
Encounter is important factor that determines human’s life. The most important encounter is to meet Jesus personally. When we meet Jesus, our failures and wounds disappear and we will be filled with the real satisfaction and joy.

1. Meet the Lord
We should meet Jesus definitely as Jesus only becomes our savior, absolute hope and the key to problems. We should come before Jesus and confess all our sins humbly so that we can meet Jesus. Then, we should live consecrated and distinguished life not to be shameful after being forgiven. We should seek for Jesus at any time. (Ps. 32:6) However, we cannot have transformed life by ourselves. The miracle of transforming life will be done when we encounter Jesus personally and closely. Jesus will meet those who seek for him and gives the award for them. March to God bravely. God will protect you and lead you to the blessed life.

2. The Lord who is the hiding place
Jesus becomes our shelter and refuge when we are in the days of troubles. Whichever problems come to us, Jesus will never be away and keeps us safe. Not only in the trouble but also at all the time should we remain in Jesus. (Ps. 91:1) The cross where Jesus gained the victory should become our shelter. Take the peace and comfort under the cross of Jesus. There is nothing we can do on the days of troubles and tribulations. Also, we don't have to try to do something. What we should do is to joy with the name of Jesus who has already achieved the salvation. Come before Jesus. Have the real peace and joy in the love of Jesus.

3. The Lord who directs us in the way we should go
God leads the steps of his people but the mind of people are so arrogant and do not believe in God. They put their trust into their smaller views and wisdom than God who has the biggest power and utmost wisdom. God protected the Israelites escaping out of Egypt with fire at nights and clouds at days. (Ex. 13:21) God gave them quails and sprang the water out of the rock. Sadly, the Israelites didn't obey God, complaining. Eventually, the first generations out of Egypt wandered and died in the desert. Only Joshua and Caleb who put their trust into God entered Canaan. Through the Holy Spirit, God leads our life to the truth and prosperity. Be led by God and put your trust into God.