The Offerings to God
(Lev. 9:22~24)

In the center of the life of the Israelites was the temple of God because they came to God through offerings. Though the form of offerings has been changed nowadays, our essence of faith has never been changed. We should always live closer to God by worshipping Him.

1. The sin offering
Leviticus chapter 1 to 9 explains about the offering laws. The largest portion of the offering laws is sin offering to be forgiven when committing sins. The reason why the Bible emphasizes the sin offering is that our sins separate us from God. Regardless of age and social status, anyone who commits sins should come before God with repentance so that he may be forgiven. God who is just and faithful forgives our sins and cleanses us when we confess our sins. Come before God and confess your sins humbly and honestly. (1Jn. 1:9) God who is full of love will forgive us with the precious blood of Jesus and make us enjoy true freedom and peace.

2. The burnt offering
The burnt offering means to burn the offering completely before God. Thus, the burnt offering means perfect devotion that spares nothing for ourselves. Rather than the price of the offering, perfectness of the offering is much more important. God sees and judges how much holy we are instead of seeing how much we are excellent. Being holy means that we are distinguished from the sinful world. When we keep our lives holy, we can worship the Lord spiritually. (Rom 12:1) Whatever we do, we should live for the glory of God. (1 Cor. 10:31) I hope all of our lives may be given to the Lord beautifully.

3. The fellowship offering
The fellowship offering is for the close relationship with God. God always wants to protect and help us with His love. Also, God wants to be praised and loved by us. But a sacrifice offering was needed so that God who is holy can be reconciled with us who are sinful. So God sent Jesus as the fellowship offering for us to come before God. Once we believe in Jesus, we can have a close relationship with God though faith. (1 Cor. 1:9) Now, let us be filled with the Holy Spirit and the man of faith to walk with God all the time with giving thanks and praises to God.