A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken
(Heb. 12:28~29)

There are no perfect countries in the world. All the countries are shaken because of their own problems. However, God has given the Kingdom of God as a present which is not shaken forever to those who believe. Let us have heaven in our heart to live with joy and hope.

1. Be filled with the grace of the Lord
Everything seems to change rapidly and nothing is eternal in the world. Therefore, people in the world have fears and worries at the corner of their hearts. However, Christians are given the secured Kingdom of God which is not shaken. (Heb. 12:28) We can be brave and peaceful when our life stands on the Kingdom of God. We cannot enter the Kingdom of God by our abilities as we are sinners and not worthy of getting the heaven. Without the Kingdom of God, we must live in the distress so God has given us the Kingdom of God as his grace. We should give thanks and praises to the amazing grace of God, which saves us, the sinners.

2. Go on with reverence and awe
God is the God of love and also the God of stern justice. Therefore, we should be godly and fearful of God when we come before God. To be godly means that we should resemble God of holiness by being sanctified day by day. After we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we should spread the gospel bravely. At the same time, we should bear fruits of the Holy Spirit while we are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The more we try to be godly, the more we realize that we cannot be holy with our efforts. Therefore, we should be humble when we come before God. When we are holy and fear of God, God will welcome us, giving his grace and blessings. (Heb. 4:16)

3. Live a life that pleases God
Christians who experienced the amazing grace should live a life of faith that God pleases. (Heb. 11:6) We should depend on the Word of God and His personality rather than on our reason and emotions. When we are led to the desert, we should have strong faith in God. People may laugh at us when we walk into the way of desert. However, we can experience the miracle happening in the deserts when we march forward with faith not seeking for the value and acceptance of the world. Seek first for the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. God will protect every step of our life, filling all your needs with his overflowing blessings. (Mt. 6:33).