Lift up Your Eyes and Look
(Ge. 13:14~18)

It is important what we look at while living. This is because people resemble what they look at. Therefore, we should not look at the wounds and problems of the past. We should fix our eyes onto Jesus and live with absolutely positive self-image.

1. Meeting and Parting
Abraham left out of Ur of the Chaldeans with his nephew Lot. The more their possessions were large, the more conflicts they had. To avoid tension and conflicts, Abraham and Lot were parted. There are so many encounters and farewells. The purposes of encounters and farewells are important. Abraham parted from Lot not because of greed but of avoiding tensions and fights. Also, Paul and Barnabas were parted during the second mission trip because of different thoughts. However, they served God sincerely even after they were parted. When we meet, we should be united with positive faith and we should be devoted to God when we are parted as the faithful servants of God.

2. Looking with the eyes of faith
Lot without faithful eyes decided to live at Sodom and Gomorrah where there was plentiful water. Even though the lands were fertile, they were filled with sins and barren spiritually. However, the standard of Abraham was different. He marched with the promise of God giving him the land which he looked at in the east, west, north and south if he looked at them with the faith. (Ge. 13:15-17) God gave Isaac when Abraham obeyed God with faith. Eventually Israel was established by his offspring at the place where he looked at with his faith. Don't be frustrated even though your situations are bad. With holding the message of the promise of God, obey God faithfully. God will bring about miracles in your life.

3. Faith that fears God
The reason why Abraham held the message of God tightly was that he feared of God instead of just seeking for the answers of God. Abraham had doubts, mistakes and fell down and he was not perfect just like us. However, wherever we went, he put the alter and worshiped God at first. (Ge. 12:7) When we live God-oriented life, God takes care of our life. Commit our weaknesses and problems to God. Depend on God and put your trust on God. God with Almighty power and His grace will bless you forever.