Can These Bones Live?
(Eze. 37:1~5)

Our life faces ceaseless problems. Once we solve a problem, other problems wait for us. Therefore, we need the power and the grace of the Holy Spirit. Depending on the Holy Spirit, we can go through the problems like layered mountains.

1. A situation like that in the valley of dry bones
The prophet Ezekiel was led by God to the valley filled with the dried bones. (Eze. 37:1-2) The dried bones represent the desperate situation of the Israelites who lost their nation and became captives. We are not unlike the people of Israel in despair. All the people are born with sins and become the slaves of sins thereby living like dried bones. However, we should remember that our end is the beginning of God. We are weak but God whom we believe is greater than any other problem in the world as he overcomes the sins and death. When we hold the power of God, we can see the absolute hope.

2. The Lord who is the absolute hope of humankind
When God asked the prophet if these bones could live, Ezekiel answered, "You alone know" instead of saying, "It's impossible." It meant the solutions to the problems and hope belong to God. Before believing in Jesus, we have tried to solve the problems in life and committed various sins thereby being frustrated. However, now we should become different as we become Christians. Jesus has already solved the problems of life on the cross and gained the victory over the sins and death. Let us not look at people, environments and problems. Instead, fix our eyes onto God. (Heb.12:3) Then we will be able to live a life of faith that overcomes the world.

3. The Word of the Lord and the wind of the Holy Spirit
When the prophet proclaimed the Word of God, the dried bones were stuck together and had tendons and fresh. But they were still like the dead because they had no breath. So the prophet proclaimed the Word of God again, “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.” (Eze. 37:9) As a result, they have risen and become a great army. Where the Word of God is proclaimed, there will be healing and blessings. However, it is not the end. After being healed, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can overcome the sinful world and have power to live as witnesses. Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can glorify the name of God as his strong army.