Faith More Precious than Gold
(1Pe. 1:3-7)

The life of christians is related to the life of faith. Every worship service, offering and service that we do become just religious activities or social interaction if we do not have faith. We should become the man of faith with absolutely positive thinking and faith to please God.

1. A living hope given to us
The early christians had many disadvantages as they became the christians. However, they decided to believe in Jesus because they looked at the living faith which was different from dead faith of the world. God sent Jesus to us to make us become the children of God. Now, we should give thanks to God by looking at the living hope, Jesus Christ. Also, we should live holy as without sins as the children of God. (Eph. 1:3-4) We should seek for the glory of God and take the responsibilities to be awarded when we enter the kingdom of God in the future.

2. A test coming to us
There are many trials and hardships when we follow the will of God. We should not think that it is unusual for us to endure hardships. The world full of sins is attacking the people of God so that they fall down. We should not fear the tests of the world as Jesus has already won the world. We can overcome the trials and tribulations of the world with Jesus. Difficult moments will train us so that we can have stronger faith. Passing through hardships one by one with faith, we are purified and become a perfect man of faith. As a result, we will stand before God as the pure gold. (1Pe. 4:12-13)

3. A Blessing through the trial of faith
After we go through various hardships, God will bless with his grace. We will learn about how to be patient and our personalities will be transformed after hardships. Then God will achieve our hope. (Ro. 5:3-4) We will learn that God control and lead our days after going through the difficulties. Then, we will not be arrogant after being blessed. Sometimes, the hardships and tribulations of life are not easy. However, we should remember that God is good. The sincere love of God will help us overcome the adversities of life. We should make sure that we will be acknowledged by God after we pass through the various hardships and difficulties.