The High Priest We Have
(Heb. 4:14~16)

We build various human relationships but no one can accept us perfectly. So we all have deep loneliness in our hearts. However, there is only one, Jesus who is our friend and Savior, who loves us completely and embraces as what we are

1. Jesus who is the high priest
During the time of the Old Testament, it was limited to enter the main sanctuary where God presented. Only the high priest could enter annually to ask God to forgive the sins of the Israelites. However Jesus came to us as the high priest and offered himself as the sin offering to open the door of salvation. When Jesus was dead on the cross with saying “It is finished”, the curtain blocking the main sanctuary was torn and the way that leads to God was opened. (Mt. 27:50-51) Anyone who believes in Jesus can come before God. Let us not hesitate to come before God by depending on the Jesus, the origin of the faith so that we can have a grace to stand before God.

2. The Lord who knows our weakness
Jesus who is equal to God came to us with a human body to redeem us from sins. Jesus suffered all the sufferings that human can experience. Jesus was scorned by and laughed by the people, misunderstood by his family and betrayed by his disciples. He was hit seriously and was dying on the cross while people scorned at Jesus. (Ps. 53:3) Jesus is not far away. Jesus is with us, knows our weaknesses, can sympathize with us and comfort us. Let us believe in Jesus who loves and forgives us so that we can walk with Jesus all the time.

3. The Lord who sympathizes with us
When we face difficulties and hardships, are punished as we committed sins and pass through the valley of adversities, we also can come before the grace of Jesus. Jesus allows us to have his mercy and help in troubled time. When God looks at us with his mercy, miracle happens. We should seek for the mercy of Jesus. When we meet Jesus before the cross, we are saved from the sins, curses and death. Jesus will not turn away from our prayers and gives his best answers. (Ps. 40:1-2) Let us be filled with the grace of Jesus then we are forgiven and healed thereby gaining a victorious life.