Where Can I Go from Your Spirit?
(Ps. 139:1~7)

Our lives in this world begin, grow and are completed with the Holy Spirit. People filled with the Holy Spirit can only live a victorious life in the world by overcoming the temptation of sins and the curses of hardships.

1. The Lord who knows me
God knows all of our situations, thoughts and emotions. (Ps 139:2-4) So we should not pretend to be a good person before God. He has loved us and made us his children even when he knows all of our weaknesses and problems. Those who do not know God pursue the love and acknowledgment of people in the world. But those love and acknowledgment are not eternal or enough. We should no longer wander in this world, but enjoy true satisfaction and delight in God’s full and eternal love. When we come before the Lord who knows and cares for us the life that is full of true praise and delight will be able to begin.

2. The Lord who protects me
When we wholly depend ourselves on God, the Lord keeps us safe with his mighty hands. (Ps. 139:5) Just as a bird embraces its baby with her wings, God embraces us with his powerful hands. The people of Israel who were slaves of Egyptians could conquer the land of Canaan and build a great country when they were under the protection of God. However, as soon as they refused the protection of God and relied on their own power, their country was destroyed after being difficult with invasion and famine. Regardless of being healthy or sick, rich or poor, we always need the protection of God. We should humbly come before the Lord so that we may enjoy the protection of his grace forever.

3. The life accompanied by the Lord
To live a life that pleases God and not being polluted by the sins of the world, we should live a life that is accompanied by the Lord. (Gen. 5:24, Heb.11:5) “Being accompanied” does not mean that only walking to the same direction. Rather, it means walking with being united and associated. To be accompanied with God, there must be the time of association. The base of association is conversation, and conversation with God is possible through prayer. We should pray continuously, give praises and thanksgiving to God and hear the voice of the Lord through the Word of God. If we hold the hands of the Lord by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit and live our daily lives, God will be delightful through us and bless our lives.