The Lord Is My Salvation
(Isa. 12:2~6)

Our life doesn't have rehearsal nor any chance to start it again. Our life is only once and precious so we should not waste our time meaninglessly. We should depend on Jesus, who overcame the sins and curses so that we can live a life of joy and thanksgiving.

1. God who is my salvation
Our salvation and hope come only through the Lord our God. God alone can lead us into the harbor of salvation safely during the sailing of our lives that entails ceaseless hardships and difficulties. If we trust and depend on God Almighty as our Savior, there is nothing to be afraid of in the world. We are usually fallen into fear due to the lack of firm faith toward God. However, if we fear God alone and seize him in faith, worldly problems diminish and fears disappear soon. Do not look at people’s help nor rely on them. They are not saviors but mere objects of salvation. If we rely on people, only our desperation becomes more darkened.

2. Faith delighting in the joy of salvation
No one can gain salvation by his own strength or power. Therefore the greatest miracle and grace we can experience in our lives are believing in Jesus and being saved. This is the reason why we should live in the joy of salvation. Those who are not saved pursue the false delight of the world and wander. And those delights are only temporary and limited. But the joy of salvation our Lord gives is the eternal delight that will be with us forever. The Holy Spirit comes into our heart and pours the joy of the heaven. (Jn. 7:37~38) Therefore let us be filled with the Holy Spirit and live in the eternal joy.

3. Faith overflowing with thankfulness
We who are saved by amazing grace and being enjoyed the eternal joy of salvation should live our lives with thanksgiving. However we usually find from ourselves the previous habits which used to resent and complain even after we are saved. Therefore we should meditate the grace of God and dwell in the Word of the Lord moment by moment. If we look at the Lord who is still performing wonderful things for us, we can give thanksgiving no matter what kind of situation is. A person of truthful thankfulness is the one whom God takes notice. So even his slight groaning is heard by God and answers are given through it. (Ps. 50:14~15) I bless all of you with hope that we may become the people of thankfulness who glorify the name of our Lord.