Out of the Depths I
(Ps. 130:1~6)

Living our days, we face the dark night of depression. When overwhelming difficulties come to our life, people in the world fall down, being depressed. However, the people of God are different as we pray with holding God who is greater than the world. Then, the night of darkness disappears and the dawn of hope comes to our life.

1. Crying faith
When we fall into the deepest pit of darkness, we should cry out before God. When our mind is broken by extreme difficulties and burnt out by continuous stresses, our weaknesses of life and problems of sins pour out so that our life may be led into the pit of desperation. At this moment, we should come before God as God can repair our broken heart. God is watching over our life, listening to our small groaning voices thereby giving us his sincere answers. (Jer. 33:3)

2. God forgiving us
We cover our sins and weaknesses through social status, appearance and material things and live as we are pure and innocent. However, we cannot deceive God, who knows all about us, even we can deceive others. Therefore, we should confess our sins before God and ask God to forgive us with His mercy. (1Jn. 1:9) Even we are away from God because of sins, God, who is full of love and mercy, will not abandon us, waiting for us with his love and grace. Let us confess our sins and be forgiven to attend the festival of grace of the Lord.

3. Faith looking at the Lord alone
We should look back on our attitudes about what we see and what we wait for. When we are surrounded by problems, we put all our minds to solve that matters. Then, we think it will be fine once the problems will be solved by any ways. When we are in trouble, we should put all our efforts to look for God with our eyes fixing to God. That is why God allows us to go through the difficulties in life. Let us not look for the imperfect solutions of the world. Instead, let us see God who can turn our life into a totally renewed and transformed life. Wait for God just like watchman who waits for the morning. (Ps. 130:6) Even it is difficult to be patient in the dark night, the dawn of hope eventually comes after our sincere waiting.