Great Lord
(Ps. 145:3~10)

We are miserable as we are stained with sins and faults. We should depend on God to be lifted out of distress. Our depression and frustrations will be turned into hope and joy when we come before the Lord.

1. Great God
Our God is great and cannot be compared to any other thing in the world. (Ps. 136:4) God is the Creator and master of all things. God operates the universe and controls even the smallest atoms. Our vision is too short and far-sighted so that we cannot see the great God. As a result, we make mistakes by depending on limited humans. With the eyes of faith, we should see God. Depend on God with all your heart and obey God, then we will experience the miracles of God.

2. God full of grace and mercy
The reason we can come before God even when we are weak and have sins is that our God is gracious. God doesn't stay only in heaven at all. God comes to our everyday life to give us His great grace and mercy. (Ps. 117:2) We are limited and unrighteous. If we are good at anything, that is because of the grace of God. Therefore, we should be humble before God. We should remember the grace of God, which is given to the sinners who are not worthy of getting that grace and give thanks and many praises to God.

3. God rich in compassion
Despite the amazing grace of God, we keep making sins and don't obey God. Even we are away from God, God doesn't hate us and rather wants to help us with his compassion. God sent His one and only Son, Jesus to forgive our sins, sending the Holy Spirit to help our weaknesses. (Rom. 8:26) Therefore, we can get out of heavy burdens of sins and curses by holding the cross of Jesus. Give thanks to God who sees us with his mercy. You will have the victorious life with your life being endowed with His abundant grace and mercy.