Long for the Lord’s Temple
(Isa. 2:2~4)

The people of Israel lived temple-centered lives due to the fact that their first priority was worshiping God. We should also love the church which is the body of our Lord, doing our best in our worship service.

1. In the last days the Lord’s temple will be firmly established
When the last days come, the temple of the Lord will be greatly exalted as it would be incomparable with anything in the world. As a result, every nation will come toward the temple of God. And these days are the last days. With more than 650 million people participating, the Pentecostal movement is leading the global revival. Our God promised through the prophet Joel that He will pour the Holy Spirit in the last days. And the people who received the Spirit are empowered and live missional lives as the witnesses of Jesus Christ. (Ac. 1:8) Likewise, if we are filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaim the gospel of our Lord, then the temple of God will be firmly established.

2. The Lord will teach us his ways
The power that makes people’s lives turn to God is based on the Word of the Lord. God shows His will for us through the Word. When we stand firm before the Word of God, we will be able to go to the right direction and not wandering in the world. Jesus is the Word of God who became flesh and came to us. Thus, Jesus is the way and the truth and the life for us. (Jn. 14:6) When we believe, read and practice the Bible which is the Word of God, we come to our Lord Jesus and follow the way He went by accompanying Him. I hope we all meditate the Word of God day and night and practice it so that our lives may be led by the Lord.

3. The Lord’s peace comes to us
The people whose lives are full of the Word of God have the peace of the Lord. When we look around, there are full of envies, hatreds, separations and despairs. However, these things are seen not because of the faults of others, but because of our sinful sights. When we receive the Word of God, we will be able to get rid of the plank in our eyes. (Mt. 7:3-5) And we can watch the kingdom of God that is full of hope and peace. Jesus who is the perfect Word is the King of peace. Where there is proclamation of Jesus, there is full peace. Therefore we should earnestly proclaim the gospel of Jesus. Let us live with the mission that invites the peaceful season of Christ into our families, churches and countries.