The Noble Man Makes Noble Plans
(Isa. 32:1~4, 8)

Once we believe in Jesus, we will have a totally different life. Though we were controlled by Satan in the past, we become the children of God after believing in Jesus. With the new identity in Jesus, we should live a new life by throwing the sinful lifestyles. Rather, we should achieve the noble works

1. Jesus Christ who is the king of righteousness
The righteousness of this world always stands beside the powerful. So the world oppresses the poor and isolated in the name of righteousness. But the righteousness of God is totally different. God judges His people according to the mind of mercy and love, not showing favoritism. (Ps 72:2, 4) The standard of God’s righteousness lies in how much people try to follow the good will of God. Jesus is the king of righteousness who completely achieved this will of God. Jesus obeyed until he died on the cross. Therefore, God lifted the name of Jesus above all names. When we spread the name of Jesus all over the world, the wounded will have real peace and comforts.

2. The Lord who is our protector
Jesus is the only one who can protect us from furious winds and storms of adversity. Depending on the things in the world drives us to have bigger problems. We should come before Jesus who can make the stormy seas calm down. We should put our trust in Jesus who overcame the death and curses thereby gaining victory. Just like the fact that a shepherd protects his own sheep, Jesus always protects us with His love. Hold on to Jesus tightly by confessing that He is my fortress and the rock. (Ps. 18:2) When we come before Jesus, who is the king, as the children of God, Jesus will be with us all the time, leading us to the blessed ways of life.

3. The Lord who makes us noble
The people who are treated nobly in the world are the people of high status. That is why worldly people always try to stand on the high position. However, social ranks and classes are not important in the kingdom of God. Jesus said that the one who humbly serves others like the youngest is the greatest one in the kingdom of God. (Lk. 22:25~26) Do not be frustrated because of your failures, sickness, wounds and poverty. When we go forward to the dream we have been given by seeking the glory of God, He will lift us and use us so that we may be the noble people. I hope in Jesus that we all may dream holy dreams before the Lord and live noble lives.