She Will Give Birth to a Son
(Mt. 1:20~23)

Jesus who is the Son of God has unlimited honor, glory, power and wisdom. This noble Jesus came to the earth with human body to save us from our sins. Christmas is the day we commemorate Jesus’ coming to the world. The birth of Jesus is the greatest miracle and blessing in human history.

1. Jesus who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
The incident that Jesus came to the world through the body of the Virgin Mary was to fulfill the prophecy that the offspring of the woman would crush over the head of the Satan. (Gen 3:15) Different from the “offspring of the man” who are universally under sins, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born as “the offspring of the woman” who has nothing to do with sins. Jesus who was conceived by the Holy Spirit always accompanied with the Holy Spirit during His life. From starting His earthly mission to ascending to heaven, Jesus carried out all His missions with the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us also be the people of the Holy Spirit so that we may resemble, love and glorify our Lord Jesus.

2. Jesus who saved us from our sins
The name of “Jesus” has the meaning of “Savior”. Jesus came to the earth to save us from our sins. We who are sinners are not qualified to come before the presence of holy God. Therefore, we had to live in the midst of the absolute despair being away from God, the origin of blessing and life. However, Jesus came to us with a human body and bore the cross so that we may be saved from our sins. Jesus is our only and perfect Savior. (Ac. 5:31-32) Do not be suffering under the curse of sins. If we believe in Jesus who died on the cross for us, the grace of salvation will be given to us and we can enjoy the eternal life.

3. Jesus who is with us forever
The angel notified that the other name of Jesus was “Immanuel” which means, "God with us." God's being with us(Immanuel) is the salvation(Jesus). God did not hate us who were disobedient, rather, God wanted to forgive us. This is why God came to us as Jesus by laying down all the glory of heavenly throne. Even from the very moment we believe in Jesus to the time we arrive in the kingdom of God, the Lord is with us. (Mt. 28:20) Though we make mistakes and stumble, God’s faithfulness toward us is not changed and He loves us with unchanging love. Therefore if we go forward by looking at the God of love, our lives will become the lives of thanksgivings and praises.