Let There Be Light
(Ge. 1:5)

God whom we believe in and serve is the Almighty Creator who created the universe with His Word. And we are special beings who have been created by God's image. We should live this New Year 2020 as the holy creators in the Lord.

1. The formless and empty world
God created the world in the beginning. But the world was filled with chaos and emptiness, because the revelation of God was hidden in darkness. Not knowing God is the biggest problem and sin in life. Life without God is meaningless and meaningless. (Ec. 1:2-3) This is because only God can give us real satisfaction, order and peace. We cannot break the chains of sins by ourselves to come before God. Only Jesus can set us free from sins. Those who dwell in Jesus will be free from chaos and emptiness and acquire true freedom from the curse of darkenss.

2. Hovering of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit came and hovered over the waters so that we may not be abandoned in the world of chaos and emptiness. The law of the Spirit of life set us free from the law of sin and death. (Rom. 8:2) Even though we do not have power to overcome the sins but the Holy Spirit dwells in us, saves the lives supposed to die and empowers us to defeat the power of sins. Therefore, those who accept Jesus as the Savior should live with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Satan accuses us of being the sinners all the time. However, the Holy Spirit testifies that we are the children of God and helps us in our weakness so we do not have to be depressed when facing the false accusation of Satan. I wish that we all may live the lives of victory, miracles and blessings by acknowledging, welcoming and inviting the Holy Spirit.

3. God creating the light
When the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters, God proclaimed a message that makes a great creation. When the word “Let there be light” was proclaimed, chaos and emptiness disappeared and darkness left. Today God the Creator also proclaims “Let there be light!” to our lives that are full of chaos and emptiness. (2 Cor. 4:6) When this light comes, sins and curses of our lives disappear and the true satisfaction and truth embrace us. God does not want us to keep the light only in ourselves. We should go and shine the light of the gospel to the unbelievers, the sick and the despair so that we may live as the children of light.