Go to the Land I Will Show You
(Ge. 12:1~3)

The world history moves through the people of faith who are carrying dreams and visions. We can read the story of people of faith in the Book of Hebrews chapter 11. And the story concerning Abraham, in particular, takes the majority part among them.

1. Leave
Before God blessed Abraham He told him to leave his country, his people and his father’s household. (Ge. 12:1) Leaving one’s hometown, relatives and father’s household was a very dangerous trial in the ancient times. Therefore the command of God was like a punishment, not a blessing. But leaving his country was necessary for Abraham to be blessed by God. Because his homeland was filled with idolatry and even his father was making idols. Unless we leave the sinful place, we cannot receive the blessings of God. When we get rid of negative thoughts and sinful habits from our lives, we can enjoy the blessing of God.

2. Go
God said to Abraham “Go to the land I will show you.” Leaving the sinful place is important but where to go is very important as well. We should march forward with clear dreams and visions in the plan of God. We should follow the dream of God, not my own dream. Sometimes we feel blurry when we walk along the path of where God directs us. But when we open the eyes of faith, we can see the land of abundant blessings where we could not see with the eyes of flesh. (Heb. 11:1-2) Do not shrink back! March forward by dreaming holy dreams with faith. God will allow us to have all the lands that we step on with faith.

3. Be a blessing
When God called Abraham, God promised him to make him into a great nation, make his name great and to be a blessing. At first, God miraculously gave Isaac to Abraham and Sarah who were not able to have a baby and made the people of Israel, the chosen people of God, according to His amazing providence. And God lifted the name of Abraham, who laid down all the rights, to obey the command of God. Lastly, God blessed Abraham so that all human beings could receive the blessings through him. Now the blessings of Abraham have also come to us through Jesus Christ. God wants us to be a blessing just as Abraham. I hope each person of you will “leave”, “go” according to the word of God and “be a blessing.”