Come, Follow Me
(Mt. 4:18~22)

What is the purpose of your life? Where are you looking at? And what are you following? Those who do not have answers for those questions are always unstable and risky. We should not be swayed but go forward toward Jesus Christ.

1. The people who cast a net
Today’s Scripture reading shows us the story of Jesus’s calling of Peter and Andrew as His disciples. Peter and Andrew were fishermen in the Sea of Galilee. They were overjoyed when their nets were full of fish but despair when the nets were empty. Those who focus on the world are not so much different from them. No matter how much efforts we make for the joy and satisfaction in the world, there are only despairs just like pouring waters in a jar without a bottom. Sometimes some people make great achievements in their lives. But as time goes by, it all goes to nothing. (Ecc. 1:9) We should stop throwing our nets into the world.

2. The Lord who calls us
Jesus was coming to Peter and Andrew who just looked at the fish in the nets. And He said, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus called them and gave a new mission to them. The mission that Jesus gave was not futile and temporary but noble mission that delivers people from death and gives eternal life. Lord Jesus calls us now just as He called Peter and Andrew. We should live for the glory of God, not for my own benefit and satisfaction. Let us march forward by changing the world beautifully according to the mission that Jesus has given us.

3. Determination and devotion
As soon as they were called, they threw away the nets and followed Jesus. Jesus called on the other fishermen brothers, John and James, and they too followed Jesus, leaving their father and boat. We need firm decision to follow Jesus. We should leave from the past life focusing on family, money and fame and decide to live for Jesus. There was a young man who was called by Jesus. He had a hope for the eternal life and eager to keep the laws but he couldn't give up the mind for money. And he lost the heavenly treasures. (Mk. 10:21-22) Let us have strong decision to live for Jesus and be devoted to achieving the holy mission thereby enjoying the blessing of eternal life.