God’s Thought for Us
(Jer. 29:11~14)

Father God whom we serve is the good God who loves us all the time. When hardships come to our life, let us not doubt that God is good and let us depend on God who is merciful and generous.

1. God who gives us peace, dream, and hope
The Southern Judah which betrayed God by worshipping the idols was destroyed by Babylon according to God’s judgment. This situation seemed to be disastrous with our human eyes. However, God has greater plans than our thoughts. God is our good Father who always wants to give the best things to His people. (Mt 7:11) Let us not be disappointed and frustrated. What we have to do in troubles is not to be worried or anxious, but pray. We should believe the fact that God is good and we should have holy vision toward the future. God will turn the present sufferings into amazing blessings.

2. God who listens to our prayer
God always listens to our prayers. However, we don't put our trust into God completely and tend to depend on the world. But the sinful world does not have any power to help us. We need a good and almighty help of God. As God listens to us all the time, God will help us. Sometimes, we feel that the answers of God seem to be too late and far. But the time of God is different to that of ours. Don't lose your faith in God and pray persistently. The answers of God will come to you and you will experience amazing miracles of God. (Ps. 40:1-2)

3. God who meets us
We are weak and have many faults. However, God doesn't look down on us but loves us at all times. God will meet us whenever we seek Him. (Jer. 29:13) Once we meet God truly, the distorted and broken shapes of our life will be restored and healed. The depression turns into hope; sorrows turn into joy. No matter how the problems are difficult, it will be solved when we meet God. Therefore, we should look forward to seeking God earnestly than any things. God is our only hope, answers and blessings. I hope we all may enjoy peace and joy in the Lord by having close relationship with God.