The Holy Spirit Helps Us in Our Weakness
(Rom. 8:26~28)

If we, who even don’t know what will happen in a minute, depend on our own power and wisdom, we will definitely make mistakes, stumble and eventually be despair. Therefore, we should not depend on our own power, but the Holy Spirit who helps, protects and guides us.

1. The Holy Spirit helping us
We all are saved and became the children of God through the grace of God. However, because we still live with the sinful flesh, we cannot completely throw away sinful mind of man, and often put our hope in visible things. When we come to church, we easily confess that we are going to live only for the Lord, but when we go out to the world we much more easily fall before the matter of temptation of sins and difficulties. God knew our weakness and sent the Holy Spirit. (Jn. 14:16~18) The Holy Spirit comes into us, accompanies us, gives us power to overcome the temptation and guides us into the righteous way. The Spirit, who intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express, will lead us into the place of victory.

2. The Holy Spirit interceding for the saints in accordance with God’s will
Even though we confess with our mouth that we want to live according to the will of God, we, in the depth of our heart, usually seek our own benefits and satisfactions. God doesn’t let our hearts be in that position, but tests to be clean and holy. (Prov. 17:3) During the time of the test, we should try to focus our heart on God. Even though we pray very hard, the prayer that is far from the will of God cannot be answered. Therefore our prayer should be led by the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of God. We should not pray just to get something from God, but to realize the will of God and that the will be done on earth.

3. God working in all things for the good
We don’t need to be frustrated even when difficulties or problems come to us, because God who loved us and called us is always behind us. Sometimes we make mistakes and meet failures. But there are no mistakes or failures in the plan of our perfect God. God sends the Holy Spirit into our lives so that we can always be with Him and live in the midst of His good providence. In all things that happen in our lives, God works for the good. If we go forward by believing God’s good plan for us, we will surely experience the miracles that turn difficulties of lives into wonderful blessings.