David and Goliath
(1Sa. 17:41~47)

There is no life in the world without problems. All people live by suffering from various problems in their lives. But we Christians can live victorious life through faith in Jesus, no matter what kinds of problems we face, just as David who gained victory from a giant warrior named Goliath.

1. Goliath coming to us
The Philistines deployed the great warrior Goliath to their front and attacked the Israelites. Israel soldiers were quick to flee in fear from the appearance of Goliath whose height was 3 meters wearing 57 kilograms in armor.
All people have their own object of dread just like Goliath standing before the soldiers of Israel. Fears such as broken relationship, failures, and diseases easily become Goliath in us and attack us. And sometimes scars, hatreds and rages in our heart become Goliath coming to us. The Goliath of fear persistently makes our pain. (1Sa. 17:16) What is your own Goliath that makes your pain and fear?

2. God helping us
David went to the battlefield because of errands and saw Goliath. Everyone felt frightened but David who was the man of God was so brave that he decided to fight against the giant. He didn't think that he had special power to beat the giant but he firmly believed that God would defeat the giant. (Sam 17:36-37) No matter how huge and great the Goliath is, the God we serve and trust is much more great and powerful. By depending the Word of God tightly, march forward in courage. The greatest victorious winner Jesus will fight against the Goliath. Jesus who is the greatest winner will fight the Goliath for us.

3. David’s great victory
When Goliath saw David, he mocked and laughed at him. But David was not terrified even when he saw Goliath’s huge sword and spear, and he slung the stone that he chose from the stream. The stone sank into Goliath’s forehead and he fell on the ground and as a result, David killed him. The stone of victory that David used means the Word of God. And it also symbols the name of Jesus Christ and His precious blood. If we march forward, depending on the Word of God and the precious blood of Jesus, we are unbeaten at any time. Don't live in fear looking at your weakness. Hold the Word of God tightly and live a victorious life in Jesus.