God Who Saves Us
(Ps. 91:1~7)

Psalm chapter 91 gives comforting and encouraging message to those who pass through the hardships and troubles. With holding the words of God, let us be embraced by the Almighty arms of God so that we can enjoy real peace and satisfaction.

1. God who is our refuge
Due to the new coronavirus(COVID 19), many people are terrified and worried. There are no safe places in the world. The only refuge is the shadow under the almighty God. God becomes our refuge, shelter and shield when we depend on God completely. (Ps. 91:4) Those who are under the wings of God will be peaceful whatever happens as we are protected by God. Even we walk in the rough roads of life, God has been with us, protecting us. Remember that the real peace and joy can be found only under the cross of Jesus.

2. God who saves us
Surely God saves us from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. The king of Israel, David, had to pass through the dark tunnel of adversity and hardships when he was young. After becoming the king, he looked back on his days and remembered how God saved him out of the slimy pit and the mud. Are you in the troubles and problems where you cannot get out of them by yourself? No matter how difficult and despair your situation is, God will save you out of that adversities and difficulties if you depend on God. With sincere faith, we should pray with crying out before God so that God will save us out of sins, diseases, curses and death.

3. God who makes us defeat our fear
When epidemic diseases spread, the fears and terrors caused by them are much more fearful than the diseases. During the World War II, about 1 million people died because of heart attack derived from fear, while 407,000 soldiers were dead because of the war itself. It is important to keep our hearts strong from the fears. (Prov. 4:23) The power to overcome the fear is not inside us. When the power of God is present in our life, the fears are driven out. Therefore, we should pray hard with holding the words of God. Our God who is sincere will listen to us and answers us to make everything good in the end.