My God
(Ps. 22:1~3)

We sometimes face difficult moments in our life where we cannot find the exit. If the problem is not solved by our efforts, our faith becomes weak, starting to doubt if God abandons us. How can we overcome distressing moments?

1. A desperate reality
David looked for God when he faced extremely difficult moments. David cried out and prayed, saying “My God, why have you forsaken me?” He couldn’t understand why God put him in the midst of hardships though he had depended on God during his lifetime. (Ps. 22:2) Likewise, we encounter frustrating moments like David. People tend to judge as they see and be easily collapsed because of depressing moments. But no matter what kind of hardships come to us, no matter how long the time of hardships grow, we should not give up. We should guard our heart with faith and cry to the Lord again and again.

2. The Lord who is in the praise
God had been in the history of Israel to allow them to have the salvation of God. Whenever they experienced the help of God, they gave thanks and praises to God. (Ex. 15:2) The Great and Almighty God had been in the praises of Israel. Don't look at the stormy waves and fix your eyes on Jesus, who is walking on the stormy sea. The closer adversity comes, the more we should give thanks to God. The early Christians didn't stop praising God even they were extremely persecuted because of keeping their faith in the Lord. Let us give thanks and praises to God in the times of hardships.

3. God who delivers us
God is the God who saves us out of all troubles and difficulties. We should kneel and repent before God to seek for the help of God. God will defeat the enemies to give us his victory. People in the world tend to turn away from us when we are in troubles. However, God will take care of us to the end. God listens to us and gives us His answers. Don't shed your tears alone. Come before God. God will wipe out your tears and help you rise up again. We should depend on God to give glory to God in any situations. (Ps. 22:22)