The Lord Worthy to Receive Honor and Glory and Praise
(Rev. 5:7)

The whole theme of the Bible is Jesus Christ. The Old Testament is the story about Jesus who will come to the world, and the New Testament is about Him who has come and will come to the world again. Especially, the last Book of the Bible, Revelation tells us the events which occur in the last time and Jesus who will come again.

1. Jesus Christ the Lamb and the prayers of the saints
Apostle John saw the vision while he was praying, seeing the throne of God. There were four creatures serving God and the twenty-four elders who were the representatives of saved Christians. They held the golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. When we pray, we should set aside special time for praying hard with our hearts. Our true prayers will become the beautiful scent to please God and when it reaches God, God will listen and give us His answer. Therefore, prayer is the best gift which cannot be exchanged with other things in the world. Let us become the man of prayers to please God so that we can be free from all kinds of problems and live a life of changing the world.

2. The power of the blood of Jesus Christ
The twenty-foul elders praised Jesus with the new songs. The new song is related to life the contribution of the cross, which is related to the salvation of Jesus. We had to be dead forever because of sins, and we were all miserable. However, Jesus shed his precious blood to save all the sins committed by all humans in the world, opening the door of the salvation. Once we believe in Jesus, we are forgiven thanks to the precious blood of Jesus. (1Pe. 1:18-19) We are no more in the curses as we are forgiven and live under the love of God. By depending on the blood of Jesus, let us live precious life as a royal priesthood before God.

3. The Lord worthy to receive honor and glory
Jesus allows us to have eternal life. Now our life is owned by God. We should live for Jesus and die for Jesus. It means we should give glory to God. Sometimes, people want to be seated on the throne of God. The glory that we can acquire with our own strength is vain as it comes from the Devil. Never try to rise to the glory of God. Those who try to sit on the throne of God are all heretics. All those heretic and cult groups will be judged by God. Let us fix our eyes onto God, giving glory to Him only. (Ps. 115:1)