The Bronze Snakes on the Pole
(Nu. 21:4~9)

Our Good God wants to give us His blessings. However, the person whose mind is taken by the devils and who complains a lot cannot receive the blessings of God. Therefore, God punishes His people when they live in a negative way of life so that they return from the wrong direction of life.

1. Israelites who grumble and complain
Going to the Canaan, Israel people couldn’t go through the shortcut and had to go around the bumpy and rough roads because of refusal of the king of Edom tribe. Israel people got angry and started to complain that they didn’t have proper food to eat and drink and they said they were so tired. God had always taken care of them with giving His protection and food for them to eat and drink. However, they forgot the grace of God and they started to grumble and complain without giving thanks to God. We should not forget the grace of God. When we give thanks, we can enjoy the grace of God. (Ps. 50:23) Give thanks to God for the things we have enjoyed.

2. God who disciplines Israelites
God punished the Israel people who complained a lot with the venomous snake. Those who complained a lot died in great pains. Sometimes God allowed us to go through extreme hard times. It is not because of judging us with His rage but because of correcting our wrong attitude of life and wrong doings. (Heb. 12:5-6) We are already dead in the sins as we are saved after believing in Jesus. However, our instinct and body have the DNA of sins. When we commit sins and fall, God uses the tool of punishment for us to be purified and refined. When we endure the punishment of God, our situations will be restored.

3. Moses’ prayer and God’s answer
When the Israel people were dying from the bites from the snake, they asked Moses to pray for them. When we are punished by God, we should repent as early as possible. The earlier we start repenting, the better the situation will be good. When Moses started praying, God told Moses to make a bronze snake and put it on the pole so that those who would look at it could live again. At that time, people who looked at it could live while people who didn’t look at it and kept complaining were dead. The bronze snake symbolizes Jesus who was lifted on the cross. (Jn. 3:14-15) The forgiveness of sins, peace and joy will be abundant once we look at Jesus with faith.