The Benefits of Afflictions
(Ps. 119:71)

No one likes to go through sufferings. Sufferings and adversities are the times of difficulties people want to avoid. However, we should learn that benefits are coming from the hardships.

1. There is no maturity without afflictions
Sufferings make our faith mature. When we are in trouble, we should look at God who is good. Then we will realize that the good will of God through which God wants to give us the blessing. When we go through the wrong directions but are being blessed, we fall into the hell at the end. However, God wants us to turn away from the wrong ways by using the tool of hardships for us to correct our wrong behaviors. By doing so, God wants us to be led to the righteous directions of blessings. (Ps. 119: 67) The best way to revealing the ways of God in hard times is to read the Word of God and to pray hard every day with the Word of God. We should gain victory through the word of God which strengthens and comforts us in troubles so that we become the mature Christians.

2. Afflictions are a process to blessing
We cannot avoid hardships, but we should endure them. (Ps 119:84-85) Don’t try to apply human methods to go through sufferings. We should hold the Word of God, waiting the times of God’s help. Every adversity has its own plan of God. Joseph who had been a salve and prisoner in Egypt had to endure 13 years of a long time. However, he finally became the prime minister of Egypt, which was the superpower at that time. It was when he became 30 years old. The long and suffering times trained him to become spiritually powerful and his adversities turned into amazing blessings of God at the end. Put your trust in God who will change sufferings into the blessings of God and be with God day by day.

3. Walking with the Word in afflictions brings prosperity
When we are in troubles, we should shine the Word of God into our lives to march forward step by step. (Ps. 119:105) Even if darkness is everywhere, the ways of grace and blessings come into our life when our life is shone by the light of the Word of God. Once the light of God comes to our minds, frustration and depression captivating our minds will disappear. Thus, our body, mind, and spirit will come alive. The Word of God is the promise of love for us. With holding the Word of God, the amazing promises of blessing of God will come true. Whatever the troubles are, let us not be afraid. God will encourage us through the Word of God so that we will overcome all difficulties and hardships.