Peace Be with You
(Jn. 20:19~23)

No matter what kinds of depressing moment we face, if we meet Jesus we can enjoy amazing peace and blessings and have new hope. Once we believe in resurrected Jesus, we will be saved and become a child of God who can enjoy eternal life.

1. Peace be with you
Jesus came to his disciples who were captivated by fears and hid themselves. Jesus asked them to have peace again and again (Jn. 20:19, 21) The hopeful message of resurrected Jesus sent to both his disciples and the people in the world. The peace of Jesus cannot come from the world and it cannot be taken by the world so it is real and true. We should meet the resurrected Jesus to get rid of fears, worries and anxiety so that we can enjoy the real satisfaction and joy.

2. Also I am sending you
Jesus gave his disciples peace and the mission of spreading the Gospel. Just like Jesus came to the world as the source of life and hope, we should deliver the message of the salvation and the life to the people who suffer from the troubles. (Mt. 28:18-20) With embracing the Gospel of hope and marching forward to the world, Jesus will be with us forever.

3. Receive the Holy Spirit
After giving the great mission to his disciples, Jesus breathed on them, saying that they should receive the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes to our life, we become new creatures to live with a renewed life in Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus. When the Holy Spirit comes to us, we resemble Jesus thereby achieving the work of Jesus. Let us be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit to become the witness of Jesus till the end of the world so that we can spread the love and blessings of God all over the world.

4. Forgive each other
Forgiveness is the completion of the resurrection of Jesus. Those who are forgiven by the great love of God should forgive each other. In the world, we have to beat or knock down others to win, but in Christian fighting, forgiveness brings victory. Only those who forgive experience true healing and recovery. (Mt. 6:12) We should have the love of Jesus and practice the forgiveness in it.