What I have
(Ex. 4:2~7)

God gave us the role of being a good steward. Our life is not ours. God has a special plan for us. Time, material things, and human relationships are the assets God allows us to manage well. Thus, we should be wise to manage what we are given from God so that we can be praised by God.

1. What Moses had
When Moses was called as the leader of Israelites, he refused at first. He thought he was fitted to be a shepherd rather than to be a leader. However, it was not the will of God. God asked him to throw the staff, which was particularly important to a shepherd. When he threw it, it became a snake. We should not hold a thing tightly if it is not in line with the will of God even it seems to be the best for us. It will give us pains and bite us like a snake. We should not hold the trend, forms, and the value of the world. Rather, we should hold the mission of God and the cross of Jesus. (Gal. 6:14)

2. The hand holding a staff
Moses was frightened when the staff was changed into a snake. God asked him to catch the tail of it. It would be risky for him to be bitten by the snake when he would try to catch its tail. However, Moses obeyed God. Then, the snake became a staff again. Even the will of God is not in line with ours, we should obey God. Then, miracles happen. Later, God asked him to put his hand inside his cloak. So, Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was leprous. The hand with leprosy symbolizes the one who loves oneself more than God. The biggest obstacle in Christian’s life is us. We should be humble and live for the glory of God as the faithful steward. (Gal 2:20)

3. The changed life
It was said that Moses held the staff of God when he went to Egypt. The same staff was differently working. When a normal shepherd held it, it was a normal staff used to guide flocks of sheep while it became the miraculous staff of God when the servant of God held it. It brought about miracle of splitting the sea, making the water spring out of the rock. Our life held by us will be full of failures and frustrations when it is held by us. On the contrary, the life will become the staff of God, which will be used to give glory to God, once we completely put our trust in God not depending on the world.