Let Us Find Jesus We Lost
(Lk. 2:41~47)

Jesus is the one who is much more precious than our lives. We should love Jesus with all our heart and sincerity. But sometimes we don’t realize that we lose Jesus. What do we do when we lose Jesus?

1. Jesus’ parents who lost Him
Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover and went toward Nazareth. They thought Jesus was with them but the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. (Lk. 2:41-43) The scene where Joseph and Mary lost Jesus but could not realize it shows the people who just have formal worship services without sincere hearts. Even many Christians come to church on Sunday, they don’t think of Jesus losing the joy and gratitude. That means they lose Jesus and have empty faith.

2. Faith to turn back and find Jesus
Spending one day to return home, the parents realized that Jesus was not in their company, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. Likewise, when we realize that we are losing Jesus, we should repent our sins and return to Jesus as soon as possible. We should restore the lost worship service, correct our lazy faithful life by reading the Word of God and praying hard. If we are lazy in spreading the gospel, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit to spread the Word of God. We should find out where we've lost Jesus and restore the first love. (Rev. 2:4-5) When we truly repent our sins with looking for Jesus, Jesus will meet us again.

3. Faith to meet Jesus again
After three days Joseph and Mary found him in the temple courts sitting among the teachers to talk about the teachings of God. Jesus is always in the temple. Jesus is not only in the church buildings but also in our hearts. (Lk. 17:21) Therefore, we should keep our hearts as the holy temple so that we meet Jesus at any time and any places. On seeing Jesus again, we will restore the lost joy and gratitude with being in the abundant grace of God. Be with Jesus all the time and be the great servant of God showing the miracles of God.