Are You Walking with Jesus?
(Lk. 2:43~45)

If people praise our volunteering works, offerings, and prayers, what we do will be in vain if we don’t have Jesus in the center of our hearts. We need to be with Jesus all the time to be acknowledged by God.

1. Are you always walking with the Lord?
After Passover, Joseph and Mary went to Nazareth and they were unaware of not being with Jesus. (Lk. 2:43-44) They spent one day, thinking Jesus was in their company. It is our problem that we are not aware of not being with Jesus because we concentrate on our days too much. Because we are not with Jesus, joy and happiness disappear and we just come to church due to reputations and obligations. We should look back on our behaviors. We should return to Jesus to restore overflowing experiences with God, joy, and gratitude.

2. Aren’t you complaining to Jesus?
Looking for Jesus here and there, the parents met Jesus at the temple courts where Jesus was listening to the teachers and asking them questions. They approached Jesus with asking why he had treated them like this. People complain and grumble when things are not going smoothly. However, faithful people of God should look back on the past days and ask the help of God humbly at the times of troubles. Complaints and grumbles are not effective in solving the problems of life. We should give thanks to God all the time as God has forgiven our sins. Let us put away complaints, grumbles, and negative thoughts. Instead, let us fill our days with abundant gratitude toward God. (Ps. 100:4)

3. Aren’t you being loved before God?
As Jesus grew up, he was loved before people and God. When God acknowledges us, miraculous things happen in our daily lives. Those who remain in the love of Jesus will overcome various problems and difficulties and gain victories. (1Jn. 4:16) Marking the 62nd anniversary of our church establishment, we should walk with Jesus at all time and be full of the love of God. With that overflowing love of God, we should have a genuine and sincere relationship with Christian members at churches to shine the love of God over the world. Let us give thanks to God and be loved by people and God all the time.