Do Not Be Afraid
(Ge. 46:1~4)

We should be renewed in the Lord day by day. If we are complacent as we are afraid of changes, we are not faithful. By being led by the guidance of God, we should march forward tomorrow with new hope and vision.

1. Follow the Lord’s guidance
Hearing amazing news that Joseph was alive and became the prime minister of Egypt, Jacob prepared for traveling to Egypt to meet his son. He had joy for meeting Joseph but he was fearful of being a stranger in the new land at his old age. He offered the offering at Beersheba before leaving for Egypt. He asked God first before practicing his plan. Whatever we do, we should pray with the Word of God to ask the will of God. Following our will leads us to failures and frustration. In contrast, putting our life priority on God allows us to have amazing grace of God. (Mt. 6:33)

2. Do not be afraid
God said to Jacob, who was afraid of leaving for unknown land at the age of 130 years old, not to be fearful. When we are fearful, we cannot do anything. We lose joy and leave in the frustration. When fears attack our hearts, we should hold the shield of faith. By holding the Word of God and depending on God, we will experience amazing miracle even in the hard situation where we cannot do anything. We don’t need to be afraid as we are with God who is bigger than anything in the world

3. I will be with you
When Jacob was afraid as he became a runaway because he stole the blessing of the elder, God came to him. God said God would be with him and watch over him wherever he goes, and God promised that God will bring him back to this land. 20 years later, as what God had promised, Jacob returned with a lot of animals and possessions. With holding the promise of God, Jacob had been with God until he was dead peacefully before his family. We should be with God to experience the amazing miracles and blessings of God until we arrive heaven.