The Era of the Holy Spirit
(Ac. 2:17~18)

Even Christians who are saved by believing in Jesus can fall before the temptation of sins and trials of difficulties if they are not filled with the Holy Spirit. To fight against the power of the darkness and win the spiritual battles, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit.

1. I will pour out the Holy Spirit
During the Old Testament period, only a few chosen by God could receive the Holy Spirit. However, after Jesus ascended to heaven, anyone who is willing to be filled with the Holy Spirit can be baptized by the Holy Spirit. (Jn. 14:16) The Baptism of the Holy Spirit means that we are filled with the Holy Spirit completely. By being filled with the Holy Spirit, we can get out of the old being with weaknesses and faults. And we can be used as the servants of God to achieve the great works of God.

2. Sons and daughters will prophesy
The fullness of the Holy Spirit is the fullness of the Word of God, and the fullness of the Word of God is the fullness of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, being filled with the Word of God is related to the fullness of the Holy Spirit. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we want to live by the Word of God. When we are full of the grace of the Word of God, we are also filled with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we should listen to the Words of God, proclaiming and living with the Word of God. Especially, parents should teach our children the Word of God for them to love and respect the Word of God. Also, the parents should become the good example for the children. God will lead our children to the holy and blessed life. (Ps. 119:5,9)

3. Young men will see visions
Once we are with the Holy Spirit, we should have a holy vision. (Ac. 2:17) Have a divine vision coming from the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is with us, we can see ourselves as If the Holy Spirit is with you, you can see yourself as the “future’s you” whom God will use beautifully for the glory of God instead of seeing yourself who are weakened. With faith, see your vision. God will change your life gloriously through your holy vision

4. Old men will dream dreams
The vision of God will not be limited to the age. For example, Abraham got a vision at the age of 75 years old and Moses got the vision at the age of 80 years old. With the accumulated knowledge and experiences through the years, the elderly Christians in church should pray for the nation and the church and pass down the holy vision of God to the next generations. Be the great man of holy vision. When we march forward with faith, the troubles ahead of us will turn into amazing blessing of God. (Rom 8:18)