You of Little Faith, Why Did you Doubt?
(Mt. 14:24~32)

It is very important for us to obey the Word of God willingly without doubts to be recognized by God while we are living as Christians. We should always listen to the voice of God and be led by the Word of God.

1. The disciples encountering the wind wave
Having experienced the miracle of five loaves of bread and two fish, people attempted to make Jesus King. However, Jesus urged his disciples to get to the opposite side of Galilee and went to a mountain for praying hard. However, the disciples had avarice and greed in their hearts while they crossed the sea on the boat. The reason why they faced the storm in the sea was because of they were away from Jesus. Facing difficult moments in our life is related to the reason we are forgetting Jesus and filling our hearts with greed by following our nature. We should remember the only master of our life is Jesus.

2. Jesus walking on the wind wave
During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. This time between 3 to 6 in the morning was the darkest hours just before the sun rose. Jesus came to his disciples who were in the darkness with not knowing what to do. Jesus comes to control the floods of tribulations as the Savior. (Ps. 29:10) The disciples saw Jesus but they thought of Jesus as a ghost as he was walking on the water. They didn’t have Jesus on their mind. However, Jesus asked them not to be afraid as it was Jesus. Jesus forgives us with mercy and love even we continue to fall down and makes mistakes with sins. Jesus encourages us to get out of hardships of life.

3. Peter walking on the water
Peter saw Jesus and asked Jesus to order him to walk on the water. Jesus told Peter to walk on the sea and he obeyed. With strong faith to depend on the word of God, we can walk on the furious and stormy sea. However, when Peter looked at the big waves, he started to sink. With looking at the problems and troubles, we fall down. Fix your eyes on to God with great faith. If we go forward with Jesus by holding the promise of God, Jesus will make every problem calm down peacefully despite the stormy sea waves in our life. (Mt. 14:32)