The Lord Who Daily Bears Our Burdens
(Ps. 68:19~21)

Adversity is a part of our life. As a living person, it is natural for him or her to experience various hardships. Let us not be frustrated when we face difficulties. Instead, let us endure sufferings to gain victory at the end.

1. The life that bears heavy burdens
Every day, we bear heavy burdens. Every curse is caused by sins we have committed. God has created the world with joy and peace. However, the curses of sins and death have come to us. As sinners, we cannot solve the matter of the curse of death. Only Jesus can solve every matter of our life. Jesus calls every person with heavy burdens. (Mt. 11:28) Do not be dismayed with burdens. Come before Jesus with your heavy burdens. Have the real peace and relaxation in the Lord.

2. The Lord who daily bears our burdens
We manage to carry our own burdens. So, we are not willing to take the burdens of other people. Even we want to but we don’t have any ability to carry the burdens of other people. However, our savior Jesus can bear all the burdens we have carried instead of us. Jesus has been with the chosen people from the first for taking care of them. (Isa. 46:3-4) Faith means that we commit our heavy burdens to the Lord. Jesus will make us set free from the sufferings caused by the sins and death when holding faith strongly. Be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can keep marching with faith.

3. The Lord who crushes our enemies
Jesus defeats our enemies. Let us not face with them directly. We should take the matter of our enemies to Jesus. When we are swept by the emotions, we may hurt others or are affected negatively. When we take the problem to God, God will revenge and judge them. (Rom. 12:19) When the enemies are attacking us aggressively, we should kneel before God. Overcome them by prayers with tears and patience. If we rely on Jesus, God will bring us victory. I pray that all of us enjoy victorious lives, expecting great works that God will achieve through us.