He Will Not Break a Bruised Reed
(Mt. 12:17~21)

Jesus came to the world that is full of dislikes, hatred, conflicts and tension as the Savior, the King of peace. Many sick people gathered to the place where Jesus came. Jesus saw them with his mercy and healed them.

1. Who is a bruised reed?
Referring to the message based on Isaiah chapter 42, Jesus commented what the missions of the Savior of the wounded world. (Isa 42:2-3) People are like weakened reeds which are easily shaken by the winds of the world and losing hope with bruised wounds. The broken relationships, diseases and accidents, failures at workplaces and schools are making people wounded. The world hurt the people like bruised reeds while Jesus is taking care of the wounded hearts one by one.

2. Those who break a bruised reed
People forget they are also bruised reeds and try to break other bruised reeds. People are overly sensitive to point out other people’s mistakes and faults thereby criticizing other people. According to John chapter 8, the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and were about to throw the stone. Jesus told them that any one of them without sin could be the first to throw a stone at her. People felt guilty and put down the stones. We are all weakened sinners. Judging others will bring about judgment on ourselves by others. (Mt. 7:1-2) We should put down the stones of blaming the others and be humble before God who will be our judge.

3. Jesus who does not break a bruised reed
Jesus came to the world as a friend. All people tried to stone the adulterous woman but Jesus forgave her giving her a new chance. (Jn. 8:10-11) Jesus always heals the broken heart and the sick. Jesus healed the Mary Magdalene who was once demon-possessed and forgave Peter who denied Jesus three times. We should learn the love and mercy of Jesus forgiving us and take care of the wounded hearts of the world by practicing the real love.