Love the Lord
(Ps. 31:23~24)

The great power of Christian faith is based on the amazing love of God. When we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and remain in the love of Jesus, we can gain victory whatever happens.

1. Love the Lord
To love God is the compulsory duty to Christians, who believe in God. A law teacher asked Jesus what the greatest commandment in the Law was. Then, Jesus said that to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind is the first and greatest commandment. (Mt. 22:37). We should get rid of the selfish shape of love and live with a God-oriented attitude. We should seek for the glory of God with praising and giving thanks to God. Let us not forget that the greatest love which forgave and saved us out of death and give thanks to God with many praises.

2. Be true before the Lord
God lifts the sincere and faithful people while God lowers the arrogant and deceitful people. Therefore, we should be conscious that we are before God with doing our best efforts whatever we do. We should learn from Joseph. When he was sold as a slave to Egypt, when he was in prison and when he became a prime minister of Egypt, he had done his earnest efforts thinking that he was standing before God. God was with him all the time and blessed him a lot. (Ge. 39:2-3) Let us become the sincere and truthful servant of God to enjoy the amazing blessing of heaven.

3. Be strong and take heart
We should not depend on the things of the world. Rather, we should put our trust in God. The demon tries to attack our hearts to make us have broken hearts. However, the people who fix their eyes onto God will never fail as Jesus gained the complete victory on the cross by taking our sins and curses away. (Jn. 16:33) Therefore, let us not be frustrated in any situation with the expectation of the help of God and pray hard. When the right time comes, God will help us with His ways. Let us be brave and courageous in the Lord to have a victorious life.