The Four Stages of the Fullness of the Holy Spirit
(Eze. 47:1~5)

When Jesus was on the cross, the disciples were away with betraying Jesus. However, they were transformed after being filled with the Holy Spirit so that they become the great witnesses of the Gospel. To gain a victory in our life, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit.

1. The ankle-deep stage
When Ezekiel followed the water coming from the threshold of the temple and measured off a thousand cubits, his ankle was soaked. Our steps should be caught by the Holy Spirit. We should always meditate on the Word of God so that we can walk the right way in which God pleases. (Ps. 1:1-2) Let us be the people of the Holy Spirit, who please the Lord, by revealing His glory wherever we go.

2. The knee-deep stage
When Ezekiel measured a thousand cubits again, his knee was soaked in the water. Our knees should be held by the Holy Spirit so that we may live the life of prayer. Jesus was the Son of God, but Jesus prepared everything by praying hard. We should learn from Jesus. We should pray hard. Without prayer, there are no answers. However, everything will be possible once we pray hard. Experience the miracles brought by the power of the prayer. (Mt. 7:7)

3. The waist-deep stage
After Ezekiel measured off a thousand cubits once more, his waist was soaked in the water. To be used as the servant of God, our waist should be held by the Holy Spirit so that we live humbly and gently. Despite hard prayers, our hot and bad temple can cause troubles in human relationships by hurting others’ feelings. We should be humble, gentle, and devoted so that we can resemble Jesus. (Mk. 10:45) God works with the man of humility and kindness.

4. The whole body-deep stage
When Ezekiel measured off a thousand cubits again, he faced a river which no one could cross. The last stage of the fullness of the Holy Spirit is complete trust toward God. In this stage, we should be lowered before God. (Gal. 2:20) Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, our vain wishes will be gone and fill our minds with the divine wishes. Let us be filled with the Holy Spirit and live a life which is led by God entirely.