Lord, You Know Me
(Ps. 139:1~5, 23~24)

When we become the master of our life and try to solve every matters of life, we feel exhausted and have hard times. However, Jesus will lead us to the way of blessing and peace when we accept Jesus as the master of our life and take every matter to Jesus.

1. The Lord who knows me
God has deep concerns over us to that God takes care of us all the time. People in the world judge us by our appearances. People blame or judge us because of our mistakes and weaknesses while God sees our hearts toward God. (1Sam 16:7) God embraces and acknowledges us by looking at our faith and faith toward God. Let us stand before God without being shaken by judgments of the world. With the sense of the presence of God, we can be acknowledged by God. When we remain in God who knows us, we have real freedom and peace.

2. The Lord who lays His hands on me
God who is good protects, guides and blesses us. God blesses us with His love. We know that Jesus prays with placing His hands on our heads to heal, fill us with the Holy Spirit and to give us special missions. Jesus healed so many sick people by placing His hands over the body of the sick to heal them. (Mk. 8:25, Lk. 13:13) When God touches us with His Almighty hands, amazing grace and blessings come to our life and we will be filled with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we need to come before God. Although we are weak and imperfect, God accepts us as what we are with embracing us and pouring His blessings over us while praying for us.

3. The Lord who guides me
God leads us to the righteous and eternal living ways of life. The amazing works will be done when we are led by the guidance of God. (Ps. 37:5) Just like a good shepherd leads the flock of sheep carefully, God will protect us from all perilous happenings and lead us to the righteous ways so that we will be satisfied with God. The things in the world seem to be good for a short term to our eyes and ears. However, they eventually lead us to the ways of destruction. We should be led by the guidance of God to keep marching to heaven with strong faith.