Prayer with Tears
(2Ki. 20:1~7)

People go through small and big troubles. Some lose all of hope because of the hardships and give up life. However, we should not be frustrated whatever happens and have strong faith toward God who is good.

1. Hezekiah facing absolute despair
The king of Assyria attacked the Southern Judah with 185,000 soldiers in the time of the king Hezekiah. At that time, God killed the enemies at night to protect the Southern Judah. Hezekiah was incredibly pleased with the victory achieved by the help of God. However, the joy was not lasted for a long time. The prophet, Isaiah who was sent by God, came to him and said that Hezekiah wouldn’t live longer as the death was near. It was shocking message to him. Even Hezekiah was the king but he had to face the depression of life. Likewise frustrations can come to anyone at any time. But as Christians, we should not be frustrated. We should learn from Hezekiah, who prayed in the middle of hardships. (2ki 20:2)

2. Hezekiah praying with tears
When Hezekiah heard the message, he turned his face to the wall and wept bitterly. He also prayed for healing. God saw his tears with prayers and gave him the answer of God. (2Ki 20:4) Hannah came to the temple of God to pray hard as she had no child. Even she promised to give her child for God when she could have a baby. God saw her praying with tears and allowed her to have own son, Samuel. She gave her son as the servant of God. God allowed her to have three sons and two daughters more. In the time of troubles, we should pray hard like Hezekiah and Hannah to receive the answer of God.

3. Hezekiah experiencing a miracle
With his hard prayers, his life was lengthened with 15 more years. (2Ki 20:5-6). When we pray sincerely and truly, God will answer for us. However, the answers of God may come immediatly or late. Therefore, we should not give up expecting the answer of God. Our God is so good and sincere that He can answer our prayers at the right time. Therefore, we should keep praying persistently until we receive the answer of God. Don’t fix your eyes on the frustrating surroundings or our limited knowledge. Almighty God leads us to experience amazing miracles when we pray hard.