Just Believe
(Mk. 5:35~36, 41)

The Bible writes the story of faithful people from the Genesis to the Revelation. God looks for the people of faith. The most important element in our life is faith. Faith can bring about the miracle and the grace of God.

1. The faith of Jairus, a synagogue ruler
After the period of captivity, there was the synagogue in the center of Jewish life. The synagogue ruler was in charge of all the matters in the synagogue so was a lot respected and influential in the region where the synagogue was located. Jairus believed that the power which can save his daughter does not belong to the position of the synagogue ruler, but to Jesus. This is why he asked Jesus to come to his house and lay His hand on his daughter. So Jesus came with Jairus. Likewise, we should pray hard with strong faith before Jesus until Jesus answers to us by filling the cup of prayers. (Jer. 33:3)

2. The word of Jesus that is the basis of faith
On the way to the house of Jairus, the depressing news came. Jesus asked Jairus who was frustrated to believe without fears. (Mk. 5:36) With marching with faith, we face various difficulties challenging our faith. However, do not listen to the gloomy news of the world. Rather, we should focus on the words of God. The words of Jesus are life, grace, and miracle. Jesus is telling us not to be afraid. With holding the words of Jesus tightly, let us decide our heart firmly to say Amen.

3. Jesus who raised the child up
Jesus told the people, who are sad because of the death of the girl, that the girl slept and not dead. People laughed. Jesus drove out the people, taking the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!" Then, the little girl stood up and walked. (Mk. 5:42) When Jesus says, miracles happen. Only the people of faith can attend the place of God’s miracles. Let us experience the miracle of Jesus with the absolute faith by marching bravely to the Lord.