God’s Three-Fold Blessing
(Nu. 6:24~26)

Our life is depending on the grace of God, not relaying on the wealth and fame of the world. People who receive the grace of God can enjoy happiness and joy in any situations while people without God live in despair with anxiety. Today’s scripture reading tells us three blessings of God which were prayed by the priest who asked God for the grace . Let us receive theses blessings of God to enjoy overflowing grace of God.

1. God who guards us
The first blessing of God through the prayer of the priest is to bless and keep us. God is love and the origin of the blessings. God sent Jesus as the sacrificial offering for saving us. God allows people who believe in Jesus to receive the eternal life and to become the children of God. (Rom 8:32) Let us give thanks to God who protects and keeps us safe. When we follow God wholeheartedly, God will protect us from every difficulty and curse.

2. God who grants us grace
The second blessing of God through the prayer of the priest is to make His face shine upon us and be gracious to us. God shows His face of the light of love, grace and forgiveness. When everyone is away from us, God makes His face shine upon us to give us amazing grace. Despite the dark valley of death in our surroundings, we can confess that we shall not be in want as God shows the light of grace. (Ps 23:1) We should not be complacent as we are blessed. Rather, we should become the lamp of God to shine the light of grace, hope and love of God over the world.

3. God who gives us peace
The Third blessing of God through the prayer of the priest is that God wants to give us peace. We were sinners before God. However, God does not hate us and loves us with the eyes of love. When we remain in God, we can enjoy wonderful peace. (Ps 4:8) Only God allows us to own the real peace. God enables us to be in the freedom and union in the Holy Spirit by getting rid of the worries and anxiety of the world. Have the real and profound peace in the Lord which cannot be compared to the things of the world.