I Will Come Forth as Gold
(Job. 23:8~10)

Since Adam and Eve committed the sins, people have lived under the control of sins with sufferings. No one is free from hardship. We cannot avoid facing difficulties. Therefore, we should overcome hard times wisely in Jesus.

1. A person thrown into suffering
Job was living as a good and prosperous family man. Then, extreme troubles suddenly sweep over him with horrendous disasters that take away his 10 children including his health, and his property. His wife and friends blamed him. He prayed God but he could not get the answers of God. (Job. 30:19-20) He was terrified and anxious because of the extreme distresses. Likewise, adversity and hardship are deeply rooted in our every life after Adam and eve committed sins. The problems caused by the sins cannot be solved by our humanly efforts so it is like the deepest pit where we can’t get out by ourselves.

2. The attitude to overcome suffering
The adversity before us will not disappear when we blame others or complain about our surroundings. The negative attitudes make the hardships bigger and stronger. Don’t hate or complain to others. Job did not pour out his complaints toward God at all. We should endure the hard times with positive faith and gratitude toward God. Current sufferings make us frustrated but everything will be good in the end once we are armed with the positive attitude in God. (Rom. 8:28)

3. What God achieves through our suffering
To receive a pure gold, there are series of processes that rocks should be broken down to extract gold and the small stones with gold should pass through the belt with flowing water for removing impurities. Then, the rest should be in the furnace to burn the remaining impurities. Adversities are the tools for God to refine us like a pure gold. The sufferings break down our arrogant ego. The Word of God will wash way our vanity and avarice. The fire of the Holy Spirit burns our disobedience. Eventually, Job repented how he was arrogant thereby being more humble person before God. In the end, God blessed him abundantly. (Job. 42:10) When we become the people of faith just like pure gold that God acknowledges by overcoming hardships that had come to us, God will bless us abundantly.