Choose Whom You Will Serve
(Jos. 24:14~16)

There are so many moments for us to choose ways to follow. At that time, we should choose the way we satisfy our God, not following the way we pursue the standards of the world. That is the secret of being blessed.

1. Serve the Lord alone
Before death, Joshua called all the tribes of Israel at Shechem and sincerely urged them to fear the LORD and serve Him with all faithfulness. After believing in Jesus, we should live for the glory of God. The things in the world will disappear soon. Therefore, we should our God who will never change and who is merciful forever. With following the words of Jesus, we should love our God with all our hearts and sincerity. (Mt. 22:37) The way we love God is related to listening to the words of God, meditating the words of God and obeying God at all times. By reading the words of God every day, let us be the blessed children of God.

2. Throw away all the idols
Joshua asked Israelites to remove all the idols whom they served in the past. We should look back on whether we pursue the fame, money, and material things of the world. The idols in the world give us temporary pleasure thereby leading us broken hearts and frustration. God who gives us true pleasure and satisfaction is the only one whom we should serve sincerely. If we have something that we love more than God, we should repent thoroughly and get rid of all our idols. Let us get out of the past life bound to the earthly things and should be reborn in the Lord to have a new life. (1Co. 5:17)

3. Choose whom you will serve
Joshua and his family bravely proclaimed that they would serve the LORD. We should not be lukewarm in choosing the ways between in God and in the world. We must answer clearly by saying ‘Yes’ before God while saying ‘No’ before the world. We should hold God tightly. To avoid current difficulties, we should not follow the wrong directions of the world. We should have God-oriented life to please the Lord. We should choose the way we can please the Lord to serve the Lord. Have the divine dream and march forward to achieve the mission God gives us. Then, we will be used as the great servant of God. (Phil. 3:13-14)