Is the Lord’s arm too short?
(Nu. 11:21~23)

God has been working with faithful people. The reason we are lost in the problems is related that lacking of faith. When we march forward with positive faith and absolute gratitude, God will work though our faith.

1. The complaining Israelites
When Israelites escaped from Egypt, there were other tribes among them, who were complaining that they could not eat meat anymore. These negative words spread quickly to Israelites who started weeping and crying out to complain toward God and Moses. We should watch out people with negative words and thoughts as negative thoughts and words pollute our minds and souls. We should keep ourselves away from negative feelings. (Prov. 4:23) To do this, we should be closer to the words of God and be devoted to praying hard to live a life with fullness of the Holy Spirit.

2. Moses’ sigh
Hearing the complaints coming from the people, Moses prayed with groaning as his burdens were so heavy. The complaints and grumbles were not disappearing. They lost gratitude of escaping from Egypt. We should look back on our days to see if we lose thanksgiving of salvation. We should look back on our days to see if we often complain about our problems and difficulties. Giving thanks to God is what God wants us to do. (1 Thess. 5:18) Let us make God pleased like a fresh water under the hot sun by giving overflowing gratitude.

3. The work of Almighty God
God called out the leaders of the tribes in front to the tent after hearing the prayer of Moses. God then sent them the Spirit of God so that they may share the burdens with Moses. God promised them to eat for a month as much as they wanted to eat. Moses asked God how more than 600,000 men could eat enough for whole month. God told Moses not to be doubtful with asking if the LORD's arm were too short. (Num. 11:23) Our small faith should not limit the capability of God. When we have boundless faith armed with being positive and grateful, our life will experience amazing miracles.