Prayer toward the Temple
(1Ki. 8:27~30)

The church is the ark of the salvation in the land and the pathway of the blessing of God. Also, it is the house where believers pray before God. When we gather and pray at the church, God listens to our prayers and answers us.

1. Hear the cry of prayer
After having spent 7 years for building the temple of God, Solomon prayed to contribute the temple to God. Solomon asked God to listen to their prayers at the temple of God. God is listening to the prayers in earnest when the people of God come before him and pray. (Jer. 33:3) We should restore the lost prayer. We should pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to solve various problems. Currently, we may feel that we cannot see anything visible without hearing any positive news. However, God will meet us when we seek for God again and again. God is listening to us, protecting us from all kinds of difficulties.

2. May the Lord’s eyes be open toward us day and night
Solomon asked God to take care of the temple of God night and day. God has been keeping eyes on us for protection. God knows all our situations and conditions. God knows our hidden wishes, sadness, weaknesses, and sins. (1Ki 8:39) Though we are weak and have sins, God doesn’t forsake us. God waits for us return to God. We should repent all our sins humbly and truly before God when we commit sins. God forgives his children who repent their sins with his amazing grace of restoration.

3. Hear and forgive us
When Solomon prayed, he pled God to listen to the prayer of His people and forgive the sins whenever they pray toward the temple. God has such a great love that He can listen to us and forgive us. Whatever the sins are, God forgives us when we repent sincerely and allows us to have His mercy. When Jesus gives His mercy, problems go away. When the blind man, Bartimaeus asked Jesus to give him mercy, (Mk. 10:47) Jesus looked at him and healed his eyes. We should pray desperately before God for us to experience the mercy of God.